Sarting Point : Jagat Mukherjee Park
End point : Bagbazar Ghat
Next Walk : On Request
Call us for more details: 9073168399
Explore some of the oldest temples, ghats and settlements of Sutanuti with The Ganges Walk.
Sutanuti was one of the three villages that was merged to form the city of Calcutta. It is said that in the year 1690, Job Charnok had anchored his ship in the Eastern banks of river Hoogly and entered the land through Sutanuti Ghat. The name Sutanuti was derived from ‘suta’ meaning yarn and ‘nuti’ meaning bundle. Here a textile workshop and market existed known as Sutanuti Bazar. During that time there were no roads in this area apart from one road that connected Halisahar to Kalighat. This road was called the Chitpore road and was commonly known as the pilgrim trail. As the city grew, the natives started settling here. The British called it the Black Town.
Bagbazar was one such neighborhoods of Sutanuti, where the rich Bengali Zamindars dwelled. Bagbazar owes its name from Perrin’s Garden that was owned by one Mr. Perrin, who was a Captain of a ship in East India Company. He had a sprawling garden house there, which he later developed into a luxurious resort. ‘Bagh’ is a Persian word meaning flower garden and ‘bazar’ means market.
Beside Baghbazar is Kumartuli where the ‘coomors’ or potters settled. Kumartuli derives its name from these artisans. They had migrated from distant places of Burdwan, Nadia and Howrah during the late eighteenth century. These artisans are the reason of the cities sculpting prowess. The clay idols of Gods and Goddess that they make are not only famous in Calcutta but all over the world.